Eddie Large, Ecstasy & M&S Food
Another of my own dreams, this one from around the time JK gave me a job on his show
I'm shopping in M&S Food, feeling relaxed as I
decide between the ready meals, when the PA starts playing this wicked house tune. I'm straining my ears trying to work out what it is as shoppers around me start dancing; raising their hands in the air, eyes half closed, feeling the pulse of the music. Then I recognise it as You've Got Me Burning Up by Cevin Fisher. I drop my basket and start to groove too. I turn around and the dancer behind me is Eddie Large. He looks so beautiful, his cheeks glowing as he too dances. As I watch him he opens his mouth and I see on his tongue a little blue pill. I know its ecstasy, I just know. My eyes see closer and on the surface of the pill is a tiny picture of Syd Little. Eddie closes his mouth and says to me in his best Deputy Dawg voice, "I'll get you Muskrat."
(Eddie Large & Syd Little are a comedy double act)
celebrity dreams no:10
I'm shopping in M&S Food, feeling relaxed as I

(Eddie Large & Syd Little are a comedy double act)
celebrity dreams no:10
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