Cyril Fletcher, Raquel Welsh and the Pot of Jam
I'm making my breakfast; cereal, toast with jam, when I notice the jam bubbling strangely. As I look closer I feel my self being drawn into the jam pot. Somehow I've been made tiny and I'm inside
the jam pot sliding down a raspberry slope, becoming covered in the stuff. In the dream I wonder if that now I am so small I will be injected into someone's body like in the film Fantastic Voyage with Raquel Welsh. But instead of that happening I am suddenly plucked from the jam and stand, naked and raspberry-ish in front of Cyril Fletcher. He's sitting in a high backed leather arm chair dressed not in his usual dinner jacket but in the same style of tight fitting all-in-one suit Raquel wears in the film. He says, “And finally, Mr. Stone in Edinburgh was surprised to see that his local Chinese restaurant are offering an interesting new dish.”

Cyril's tongue now darts out, all five or six feet of it, like the tongue of some sort of lizard. I stick to it and am rapidly pulled into his mouth.
Simon Stone, Edinburgh
Simon Stone, Edinburgh
(Cyril Fletcher was a television presenter on That's Life)
Mercury Vague : Cyril Fletcher is a rare dream figure representing reptilian cordiality. Often jam appears in dreams as a symbol of social interaction. Your dream reads as your brain's conditioning response to worries about forthcoming social events or parties – with the inclusion of Raquel Welsh as an obvious sexual reference.
celebrity dreams no:17
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